
Interested in Exhibiting?

The key target audience for Stroke 2025 remains the diverse group of healthcare providers engaged in the care of patients with cerebrovascular diseases.  The conference aims to reduce the gap between current evidence and existing practice in stroke care as well as review the most recent clinical trials that impact patient care algorithms and practices.

For more information, download the full exhibit prospectus.

Ready to Sign Up?

  1. Review the instructions for signing up as an exhibitor.
  2. Create an account at https://uf.cloud-cme.com/default.aspx.
  3. Register to exhibit and submit payment on our Exhibit Registration Site. (Select the Exhibitors tab)
  4. After selecting your exhibit level and submitting payment (or indicating payment via check), you will receive a confirmation email.
    • At the bottom of the confirmation email, there will be a link for you to click and add the names of the representatives attending.
  5. That’s it! Exhibit reps will be contacted in the month before the conference with set-up information.

For additional questions, contact the Conference Manager, Gianna Gamache at ggamache@ufl.edu.

Exhibitor Resources: